Council of Founders
The Council of Founders is a body that exercises the founders’ rights in the public companies associated in JAVNI HOLDING Ljubljana.
In 2004 the Municipal Council of the Municipality of Ljubljana and the municipal councils of the municipalities Brezovica, Dobrova - Polhov Gradec, Dol pri Ljubljani, Horjul, Ig, Medvode, Škofljica and Velike Lašče adopted the Act on the founders' rights and establishment of the Council of Founders of public companies associated in Holding Ljubljana, d.o.o., which was based on the recommendation of the Court of Audit of the Republic of Slovenia and was prepared in the framework of implementing corrective measures. Based on this Act, the municipal councils established a joint body named the Council of Founders of Public Companies associated in JAVNI HOLDING Ljubljana d.o.o. with its registered office in Ljubljana, Mestni trg 1 so as to implement the founders' rights in the public companies associated in JAVNI HOLDING Ljubljana, d.o.o. as well as to co-ordinate the decision making on mandatory and optional public utility services.
The Council of Founders adopts decisions on the prices or tariffs of public goods provided by public companies if these are not adopted in ordinances, grants approvals on purchases and sales of equity stakes in other companies, grants approvals for raising loans and other types of borrowing which exceed 5% of the share capital of the public company, grants approvals on the encumbering of real estate when the value exceeds 5% of the share capital of the public company as well as adopts decisions on other issues in line with the legislation.
The annual reports on the work of the Council of Founders are presented below.
The composition of the Council of Founders
The Council of Founders is composed of the mayors of the municipalities:
- Zoran Janković, Mayor of the Municipality of Ljubljana, Chairman
- Metod Robret, Mayor of the Municipality of Brezovica, Deputy Chairman
- Nejc Smole, Mayor of the Municipality of Medvode
- Franc Setnikar, Mayor of the Municipality of Dobrova - Polhov Gradec
- Ivan Jordan, Mayor of the Municipality of Škofljica
- mag. Janez Tekavec, Mayor of the Municipality of Dol pri Ljubljani
- Janko Prebil, Mayor of the Municipality of Horjul

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Dostopne oblike dokumentov so namenjene osebam z oviranostmi.
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Dostopne oblike dokumentov so namenjene osebam z oviranostmi.
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Dostopne oblike dokumentov so namenjene osebam z oviranostmi.
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