Sale and topping-up of cards
You can also buy Urbana value cards at Urbanomats, which means that the card is available 24 hours a day.
The purchase procedure at Urbanomat is simple. A button "Nakup nove kartice" (Buy new card) appears at the bottom of the touch screen. The purchase procedure starts when you press the button. First select the method of payment (cash, bank or credit card, Moneta) and pay for the card. The price is the same as at other points of sale, i.e. €2. Urbanomat issues the card and the procedure is completed. If you buy a card with cash and insert more than €2 in the Urbanomat, the machine instructs you to touch the card scanner with the new card so that the surplus amount can be credited to the card. Urbanomat guides the user through the procedure by voice and written instructions on the screen.